I am interested in any Vietnam stories, jokes, situations, first impressions, or comments that fit the theme of the book. Share your...

  • Rationale for volunteering for Vietnam duty

  • First impressions on arrival, leaving and returning home
  • Experiences with Vietnamization

  • Impressions of the country, customs, culture and the Vietnamese
  • Experience with Cue, Kha, Meo, Muong, etc. 
  • Stories of R&R and R&R programs
  • Comments on policies, rules, and decisions of staff and support units

Send me an email at JOEPURSEL@COMCAST.NET to share your story or just chat.

365 and a Wakeup by Joe Pursel
John Pursel - 365 And A Wake-up Author


My experience spanned five years from 1968 through 1970 and again from 1972 to 1973. 

On my first tour I worked throughout the country with Vietnamese and American Navy units as part of the Naval Advisory Group (Personal Response Program). Almost all Navy people received these briefings at Coronado and Mare Island upon arrival in-country. 

The next two years was spent at Coronado running the intercultural relations part of the Counterinsurgency School. 

I was back in-country again doing the same job in 1972 and 1973 plus some work with SOG units. 

I'm now just a retired LDO living in Bremerton, Washington.